We would all love to use our boats more often, often we find ourselves not being on our boats for months, Or perhaps your a new owner a little lost. Or like me forgetful. When was the last time you checked the expiry date on fire extinguishers, or changed that filter behind that thingy...... How old is that diesel in the tank?
All the resources on my site are downloadable for free. All I ask for is if your grateful is perhaps sending a tip via the donate link. Even if it's £1 everything helps. I would like to create more content for you and create more free resources.
Document is in word format. You can edit the document to make it more of your own. Perhaps print this one off laminate it and have it onboard.
As always please use official guides.
It does take me time to do these things so a couple of to fund my coffee addiction/ beer hobby would be great. Also helps free some more time up with more ideas to help the community and also create content.
For comments feed back and suggestions contact on